Driving Growth: Mission EDC’s Trade Mission Fuels Cross-Border Commerce
The Mission Economic Development Corporation initiated bilateral discussions on international commerce, logistics and manufacturing during a productive trade mission to the fast-growing, industrial city of San Luis Potosi, Mexico.
Mission EDC met with some of SLP’s leading economic development groups and leaders while promoting the Anzalduas International Bridge and the region for economic development opportunities.
The Mission EDC team also attended and sponsored one of the largest automotive conferences in North America, dubbed Mexico’s Nearshoring Auto Industry Summit, from July 19-21.
The conference brought together some of the biggest automotive manufacturers and suppliers in Mexico to identify potential business opportunities and shed light on the latest developments in manufacturing and supply chain dynamics.
“San Luis Potosi was the perfect setting for this conference,” Mission EDC CEO Teclo Garcia said. “SLP is key and strategic for the auto and manufacturing industries on both sides of the Rio Grande. The city is impressive, and Mission and the RGV would do well to align their trade goals with SLP.”
Mission EDC partnered with the McAllen Economic Development Corporation to host a booth at the conference and sponsor the welcoming reception.
“This conference gave us the opportunity to showcase our region and connect directly through B2B meetings with the companies that bring goods through our ports of entry,” Garcia said.
Garcia and Blanca Davila, Mission EDC’s director of economic development, also scheduled and attended private meetings with the city’s economic development office, as well as the leading industrial and automotive organizations, known as clusters.
“It was a pleasure to sit down with members of Index San Luis Potosi and Cluster Automotriz SLP and other distinguished leaders to discuss strategic partnerships,” Garcia said. “We look forward to our continued and shared success.”
The Anzalduas International Bridge is expected to allow commercial traffic in the fourth quarter of 2024.

Mission EDC CEO Teclo Garcia and Director of Economic Development Blanca Davila met with other economic development leaders and automotive industry officials during a trade mission to San Luis Potosi, Mexico in July 2023.